:: South America ::

This is the part of my travel through South America
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:: Donnerstag, Oktober 09, 2003 ::

Ja, ein letztes mal melde ich mich nochmal. Bin inzwischen in Mexico City angekommen. Nach einem Stopover in Guanjuato, eine abgefahrene Stadt... Viele Tunnel, Huegel, UNESCO Weltkulturerbe. Dort habe ich Mike kennegelernt, einen AMerikaner. Ein sehr cooler Typ, total untypisch fuer Amerikaner, spricht mehrere Sprachen, hochintelligent und arbeitet im Supermarkt (mit BWL- Diplom..hahahaha). Zusammen sind wir weiter nach San Miguel de Allende gefahren. In San Miguel hat Allende damals die mexikanische Unabhaengigkeit deklariert und ist mit seinen Kumpanen Hidalgo losgezogen und hat die Spanier verjagt, ein Mekka fuer alle Mexikaner. Wir wussten, dass dort am Wochenende eine Feria (=Fest) ist. Die woche zuvor war ein Stierrennen wie in Pamplona, wir kamen zum "kirchlichen" Fest.. aber auch da drehte sich natuerlich alles um den Alkohol. Viele Mariachis , viel Alkohol.... und halt so alles was zu nem zuenftigen Fest dazugehoert. Das abgefahrenste dabei war das Feuerwek. Mike hat das schoen beschrieben, also kopiere ich euch mal den Text hier rein.
basically they are paying homage to the Archangel San Miguel
who watches over the city, at one point he supposedly defeated a demon that
was trying to destroy the city or somethingorother, and around 10 am a huge
parade of students pass through all of the streets in town, playing music,
dancing, and collecting fireworks from people as they pass, all of the
people who are going to stay at home just give fireworks to the kids...so
they wander the streets until about 2 oīclock collecting these fireworks and
then come to the plaza to meet everyone else....so in the plaza before the
real fireworks show they have these plastic bulls with spinning fireworks on
the sides and the front, and then someone gets under the bull, they light
the flame, and then they run through the crowd shooting off fire and sparks
into the people, of course all of the people run and scream as this fire
breathing bull is running after them, its absolutely mad......so as some of
you may have already guessed, guess who made the arrangements to be one of
these fire breathing toros??? so before they are going to light the fire on
my bull I ask if there is a trick to keep from getting burnt and they said
to get under the protection of the bull and to keep running, so Tim
suggested that I take off my sweater so as to not ruin it...so they light
the fuse and immediately it feels like I am in an oven, so I start running,
and I ran up the stairs, through the crowd, jumping, and spinning, and just
going nuts, the whole time I can just feel these damn spinning wheels of
fire burning the fuck out of my arms, the thing was that most of the people
who did this were 15 year old boys so the bull wasnīt really big enough to
protect me, so I think that its finally done and I slow down because I am
soooooo tired, and you canīt see shit because you are running through this
sulphur smoke and canīt breathe and I am not in the best shape to begin
with, but when you stop it burns you more, so I kept going and going and it
finally stops and I just collapse on the ground, of course all of these
people come and are dancing around me and cheering me on, so apparently I
put on a good show....so I get up and I can feel my forehead just burning
and my arms burning too, I look at my shirt and the shoulders are all burnt,
with huge holes burnt in like cigarette burns on a white trash couch...so
then these 2 girls from Mexico City come and talk to me and I realized my
err in all of these years in trying to pick up women, forget all of the
conventional methods, all you need is a large plastic toro, explosives, and
a match.....so weīre just getting warmed up, this is NOTHING compared to
what is to come, so at 4am sharp the fireworks start, from the back of the
plaza they shot the large fireworks that went up in the sky, like the normal
ones from home, but from behind the fence of the church in the front of the
plaza there are about 15 people lighting these homemade bottle rocket type
things and then just throwing the sticks over the fence.....INTO the crowd,
so there are all of these people dancing in the plaza with basically fucking
bombs being thrown at them, just running around, trying to avoid the flying
missiles, so we run to the side and weīre in absolute shock, but after about
5 minutes Tim says to me Ļok man, letīs go...1,2,3Ļ and we run through the
battle zone, bottle rockets exploding around your head, you have to jump
over them on the ground (luckily my father isnīt reading this or heīd kill
me)...I canīt possibly describe what it was like, I felt like we were in a
war zone, the sick thing was that once you run through once it becomes
addicting and you start running back and forth, with these explosives
bouncing off of your legs, your chest, and one clocked me in the side of the
head, it kind of felt like getting hit in the head with a golf ball......so
this goes on for an hour, non-stop, at 5am they light this giant castillo
which is a framework of fireworks,

Irgendwelche Fragen ?? Naja, inzwischen bin ich Mexico City..eine Nostalgie kommt hoch.. all die Orte wiederzusehen..... wohne bei Turi, meinem mexikanischen Bruder.. es ist sehr nett...aber die gedanken sind woanders.. Hart, bald wird der Traum vorbei sein.. Aber nun ja.. es gibt halt auch noch das "Real Life"
So meine Lieben, das wars von mir, ich hoffe, euch haben meine Berichte und Fotos Spass gemacht, wer intressiert ist, ist jederzeit eingeladen, meine Geschichten live zu hoeren...

:: Timm 11:05 [+] ::

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